Food & Berries

Parmigiano Reggiano


Parmigiano Reggiano has a bold, umami flavor that is adored by chefs, conniseurs and laymen alike. Finish virtually any dish with this sharp cheese for something truly special.

Appearance Crust of a natural straw color. Fine grained, flaky.

Taste & Texture It has a fruity and distinctive flavor.

Wine Pairing Suggestions Sauternes

Beer Pairing Suggestions American Amber Lager, Bière de Garde, Brown Ale, Imperial Stout, IPA, Pale Ale, Saison

parmigiano reggiano 30 36 mesi 1kg latteria gonfo
parmigiano reggiano 30 36 mesi 1kg latteria gonfo
screen shot 2019 12 17 at 10 53 14 am
screen shot 2019 12 17 at 10 53 14 am



Fourme d'Ambert


One of the mildest blue cheeses, Fourme d'Ambert is creamy with a delicate, fruity flavor, making it an ideal addition to salads or simply with bread or pear slices. Enjoy Fourme d'Ambert with fruity red or sweet dessert wines.

Origin Auvergne, France


Production & Aging Aged in caves for 2 months

Appearance Narrow cylindrical shape, ivory-colored with blue veins


Taste & Texture Semi-hard, off-white paste with blue veins and a mild, delicately fruity flavor with mushroom overtones

Wine Pairing Suggestions Côtes du Rhône

Beer Pairing Suggestions Belgian Triple, Stout